About Me
Hi, I'm Kirsten Miller (now Flores!) and I'm a polymer clay artist specialising in small animal sculptures. I started Quernus Crafts in 2009 after leaving behind a 15 year career in law (you can read about my decision to do that here) - and since then, literally thousands of wee creatures have appeared! Originally from Scotland, I now live in Greater Manchester with my husband, Enrique, and I make the wee creatures in my gorgeous studio in Castleton, Rochdale. I'm shown here with a beautiful ceramic hare made by Jackie Needham Ceramics.
One of the best things about what I do is that the wee creatures make people happy. They have a spark of life about them that I can't explain, but it makes each one unique and very special, with their own personality. I have a group called Quernoholics Anonymouse on Facebook for all people who have been following and collecting the wee creatures over the years - it's a great place to hang out! I do live videos each month in the group, which you can also watch on my YouTube channel.
I believe in giving something back - you can find out about the charity work I do here. And there's lots more information on my FAQs page about how I work generally.
Away from the studio, I like to knit, and I sing in a couple of small groups around Manchester - I love singing one-voice-per-part Renaissance polyphony in particular. I am also Chair of the North West Early Music Forum.
The code I live by (print by Chloe Vaux, who doesn't have an Etsy shop anymore, but you can find more prints like this here).