Privacy Policy

As customers and fans of Quernus Crafts, I may hold some information about you (your name, email address, and in some cases, your postal address and telephone number). This is a short note setting out everything you could ever wish to know about how I collect, use and store this information. But if you still have any pressing questions after reading this, please contact me.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When I talk about "information", I am only referring to your contact details. I never have access to your financial information when you make payments using PayPal, BigCartel (my online shop), Stripe (for payments by debit/credit card) or bank transfer. All sensitive financial information is held securely by the processing companies, and they never share this with me, or anyone else.

How I collect information

I use EmailOctopus to manage my mailing list, and you can sign up for my newsletter here. You will only ever end up on this mailing list if you have signed up for my newsletter, or if you have specifically asked me to add you to it.

Whenever you order a wee creature from me, either directly or through my online shop, you give me sufficient information about you to enable me to process the order.

I also have a contact form which asks for your contact information.

The website provider I use, Create, has cookies enabled for this site to make sure your computer (or other device) is recognised when you visit here again. You can find out more about cookies in general here. Sadly they are not the edible kind.

Who has access to your information

In a nutshell, just me! As sole wee creature maker and business bod for Quernus Crafts, I am the only one who ever has access to your information, and I will never, ever, ever pass this on to anyone else.

I use EmailOctopus to manage my mailing list, They are based in the UK, registered with the ICO and closely comply with all current EU data protection laws. They are fully GDPR compliant, with all information stored on their secure servers.

If you pay me using PayPal, they will also hold information about you. You can read their Privacy Policy here.

How I use your information

I send out regular newsletters to those who have signed up to my mailing list to receive information about Quernus Crafts. This is the sort of thing you can expect to receive:

  • dates for your diary involving Quernus events, ie pre-orders, Quernus Lotteries, eBay auctions, charity events, etc.
  • information about what's happening in the Quernus world
  • Occasionally I send out details of other artists or events which I think might interest you.

If you have completed the contact form you can expect to hear from me using the contact information you've provided.

In the highly unlikely event that I stop making wee creatures and do something completely different, I will let you know so you can decide if you still want to receive newsletters from me.

How I store information

EmailOctopus hold details of all members of my mailing list on their  secure servers.

I keep an electronic spreadsheet of all customers which is held on my password-protected laptop. This is with me at all times, either at my studio or at home. I don't keep physical copies of these records - I don't have the room! 

I keep this spreadsheet solely for accounting and tax purposes (I need to keep all sales records for at least 6 years).

Your rights

You can ask me at any time what information I hold about you, and I will give you full details free of charge. You also have the right to ask that your details be deleted, amended or transferred. If you ever change your mind about what information, if any, you want me to hold on your behalf, just contact me.


Last updated: May 2024